Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Harvest Moon Creator Unveils His Next Game's Title, New Video

On Monday, Harvest Moon creator Yasuhiro Wada unveiled the official title and the latest video for his next game, which he first teased at last year's E3 under the code name "Project Happiness."

The simulation game will revolve around a merchant in a rural village. However, Wada expained that instead of boosting the merchant's store sales, the game will be more about meeting new people who come through the store. He added that the game is about 50% to 60% complete, primarily in the scenario and the game's main system. The team still has to populate the game with lots of characters and adjust how the story unfolds.
Toybox Inc., Wada's new company, will release the game on portable systems in Japan. Natsume will release the game in North America, and Rising Star Games will release the game in Europe in 2013. Wada noted that the project's first video garnered about 100,000 views worldwide since it debuted last year.

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